Givi I-Moto Power Connection Kit



The GIVI of today is a realization of a vision that has taken shape over the years. It is the amalgamation of Italian design, a strong technological attitude and a great knowledge of specific materials. GIVI is the development of this quality idea that caused a small factory in Brescia to grow to the magnitude and global fame the company has today, now with more than 150 employees in the production centers in Italy, Europe and the United States. At the root of all GIVI products, from the smallest accessory to the top of the range helmet, there are always two inseparable elements: the most innovative technology and the recognized quality of being hand made in Italy.Further enhance the riding experience.


Givi I-Moto Power Connection Kit to be used with S111 and feeds handlebar mounted devices. Compatible for 4 Models of Pin Adapters (Micro USB, Mini USB, I-Phone 3-4 and I-Phone 5)