Shop tools..



Here we’ll list tools for your home garage that we believe will be useful without breaking your wallet. these are tools we know and believe in.

Ognibene Chain rivet tool: If you just need to rivet one chain, (or possibly 2 or 3), and don’t want to spend $120+ for a  high end fulltime rivet tool, this is the answer for getting a good rivet. This jig clamps the outer plate onto the master link, then there are rivet screws with a tip to expand the rivet pin. Works for 520/525/530 Chains.

OE9510 Master pressOE9510bOE9510a

Chain Cutter: This tool is for cutting your chain without grinding the links. Clamp it on the chain and tighten the pin driver you drive the original pin out of the chain. Works for 520/525/530 Chains

OE9505 Chain Cutter


Lockwire Pliers:  if you’ve not owned a set  but you find yourself wrenching on your own bikes, you are missing out on the conveniece of lockwire pliers – Put them in your toolbox and never wish you had a set again


Steel Lockwire – 7mm x 30 Meters Keep it in reach!
